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Voter Lowdown: Don’t Get Left Out of the Process.

People often say that, in a democracy, decisions are made by a majority of the people. Of course, that is not true. Decisions are made by a majority of those who make themselves heard and who vote – a very different thing.  ~Walter H. Judd

There are less than 3o days until the election. Are you thinking, “So what?”  For readers, we are going to post weekly tips on how to make sure you CAN vote, and then why it is in your interest to follow at least the races we will highlight, and we will urge you to vote on Nov. 2 or earlier.

Voting is easy. Being informed today is even easier than it was before Internet. You used to have to watch television ads and debates and tune into the news. Now you can figure out a list of issues that are important to you, set up electronic alerts, and take your ballot and mark it in your own interests.

The first order of business, is to make sure you are registered to vote. In Illinois, you can still get registered, but the deadline is this week — Tuesday, Oct. 5. Here is a handy tool with a section for students who are living away from their home state and more.

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