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Drilling to Be Best When Faced With the Worst

We see flashing lights and hear sirens all day and all night. Police cars, fire trucks, and emergency vehicles rushing down streets to make sure that people get help.

In the news there are round the clock threats of terrorism, threats of severe weather, and news about accidents from around the world. Chicago, the third largest city in the U.S. is home to Willis Tower, Magnificent Mile, Navy Pier, the Chicago Board of Trade, headquarters of the 7th District Federal Reserve, as well as nearly 3 million people. Our urban area could be the victim of fires, building collapses, floods, snow, and more.

In an emergency, time is critical and every second counts when trying to save a life. During the terrorism attacks on 9/11, emergency agencies weren’t ready for the worst case scenario. Fire and Police departments assisting from the suburbs couldn’t communicate with New York City over the radio due to interoperability, crews were running into each other, and there was no plan in place.

Now, 11 years later, how do Chicago’s first responders make sure they will be ready for the worst case scenario? Chicagotalks’ Reporter Paris Lewbel takes a look inside how not only Chicago, but agencies all around Cook County are preparing for the worst in a recent disaster drill.

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