There are some practical hackers out there working for the public good, by applying their skills to create interactive sites, features, and apps that make so much sense, you just wonder why no one did this before.
Maybe the technology just wasn’t there. We will be featuring more stories on the growing “open gov” efforts in Chicago and Cook County. Today’s feature can make your life easier.
Is your mind made up? Thinking of watching the Bears, instead of the Debate? If you’re ready to vote, the polls are open starting October 22nd, for early voting.
Josh Kalov and Derek Eder notable open gov “hackers” have created this wonderful convenience, an interactive map of early voting locations in Chicago and in suburban Cook County. As you are looking at your mobile, iPad, or laptop, why not see how far you are from casting your vote. A registered voter may vote at any of the Chicago or county early voting locations.
This site, by Kalov and Eder works better than either the snail mail from the Board of Elections, or even Google maps. You can input an intersection or address, and then see 3 or 4 of the closest locations. Voting isn’t hard, but making it easy to get to the polls is a great idea.
Go to Early Voting Locations.

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