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Campus ‘Safety’ Bill Endangers Rape Prosecutions | Womens eNews

Womens eNews published a follow-up on the issue of campus security. Chicagotalks focused on the issue in Chicago

A modern-style Michigan State University "...

and Illinois with an investigative series about the law and how it wasn’t being enforced locally. It looks like the bill being put forward now will weaken provisions that exist under Title IX. You can review our series and read the update from Womens eNews today.

Last year the government began pushing colleges to do more for rape victims under Title IX, and many colleges stepped up. But a few powerful schools held out and have manipulated a falsely named “campus safety” bill to endanger all that.

Sen. Robert Casey, D-Pa., is leading a bill that he says will help fight sexual assault on campuses by requiring schools to take swift and strong action in response to gender-based violence on campus. Bravo, right? Wrong. The Campus Safety bill is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. It is cleverly worded to look good but if enacted as currently written, it will effectively destroy important provisions released last year by the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights.

Wendy Murphy is an adjunct professor at New England Law/Boston where she teaches a seminar on sexual violence. She’s a former sex crimes prosecutor and author of “And Justice For Some.” An impact litigator who specializes in violence against women, Murphy consults and lectures widely on sex crimes, violence against women and children and criminal justice policy.

Read the details and see what you can do about this via Campus ‘Safety’ Bill Endangers Rape Prosecutions | Womens eNews.

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