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The Perfect Pet Photo

A Japanese Chin puppy.
Image via Wikipedia

Photographers love clicking pets, second only to their love of clicking children. The following tips will help you take perfect pictures of your pets. Standard lenses can give good pictures; however to make shooting pets easy one should use a longer telephoto lens of 80 to 200mm size.

A telephoto lens is what you need to take a picture of the animal from a good comfortable distance without scaring it away. If a pet isn’t aware of your intentions, it will act more natural. Clicking a pet on his level is the best way to get a good picture. Since most pets are smaller than we are, this means you may have to get down on your hands and knees to get that pic. Getting the pet to look straight into the lens will also ensure a nice shot.

It is important to be quick and ready when taking your pet’s picture. Having the focus and exposure already set on the pet is the only way to be ready. Metering or Focus does not need to be checked after being set once.

When shooting pets, exposure isn’t one of the big worries. A light meter or the auto mode can be used for such an effect. If you own a very dark or a white animal, you must bracket.

Clicking a white pet would involve using a larger f stop than the meter reading. However if your pet is very dark, drop the f stops to ensure correct capture of the dark color.

To get a good picture, focus on the eye and no one will notice the focusing on the rest of the pet. Keeping the eye in focus ensures an appealing picture.

Dark fur or feathers surrounding a dark eye make it important to click the pet’s eye with a highlight in it. The effect is possible by using an artificial light or by turning the pet’s face towards the sun. The background plays a crucial role in creating a good pet photograph. Try positioning your pet in front of a plain background. The simpler the background, the clearer the pet will stand out.

Keeping a friend nearby when you take your pictures is also a good idea. Your friend can capture the animal’s attention while you take the picture. A pet that trails you to find out what you are doing may also make for a good shot. Pet photography comes out perfect when a lot of patience and these tips are used.

If you would like to learn more about getting a custom painting of your pet, visit custom pet painting.

Articles on paintings like this can be viewed at custom portrait gift.

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